Statement from Respect Vapers on Government’s drug and alcohol survey

Government survey shows vaping helped up to 100,000 smokers quit

Vapers throughout the country welcome the findings in the Government’s national drug and alcohol survey, which shows that vaping (e-cigarettes) helped almost 100,000 people to quit tobacco.

Mr. Joe Dunne, Respect Vapers, said that the survey highlights that vaping helped an estimated 93,000 people to quit smoking, a valuable contribution by vapers in battle to eliminate the harm caused by tobacco.

“The survey found that 77% of those vaping said they did so to reduce harm caused by tobacco. Almost six in ten people said they vaped to quit smoking. 12% said they vaped to cut down on cigarettes and 5% said they vaped to stop going back to smoking. That sends a clear message to Government that vaping reduces the number of people smoking in Ireland. And it is more successful than the Government-promoted gums and patches.

“We are also delighted that the survey finally puts to bed the myth that vaping is a gateway to smoking for young people. The facts, as reported today, are that the majority of vapers are aged over 35. So, the message from people in Ireland who quit tobacco by vaping is respect us and listen to our experiences on successfully giving up cigarettes,” he said.


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